That’s right! If you are in the Solavei network, you aren’t a social member any longer. Effective the 1st of October, you simply became a Member if you didn’t pay up the $298 enrollment fee. As a part of the ‘rebranding’ of Solavei, they are becoming less personal and more corporate. I mean seriously, ‘Brand Partner’ just reeks of MLM scheming. Isn’t there a better term they could have gone with – like “Service Coordinator” or “Cellular Coach”?
Anyways, in more changes that went into effect with the new structures, the $5 referral program is gone, replaced by a really confusing crazy program that helps your upline get more money from the ones you bring in. Another is the fact that Members and Brand Partners need to be active for 14 days before being counted on your totals. This means if you sign up someone between the 17th and 31st of the month you are in, there is a chance you won’t ever see a dime from Solavei for that month of service.
Here’s what I mean – You sign me up on the 20th. I go 10 days that month, which isn’t enough time to get credit for me in the current month. I then go 18 days into the next month, which would qualify me, but since I port my number out and change to a better service plan, you don’t get credit for me being active at the end of the month, meaning, you get nothing.
Solavei sure makes things look attractive on the surface of their program, but the odds are so stacked against anyone that tries to start up that it just becomes unfair too quickly. Sure, you might be able to ‘earn’ free mobile service as a member, but when every cellular company on the planet has a better deal – either coverage, price or speeds – it’s hard to make Solavei look any better than an over-priced T-Mobile MVNO that doesn’t get LTE speed.
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