One of the biggest mistakes that 'salespeople' make is not listening to the customer. This applies especially to inexperienced salespeople. It's really easy to learn your speech, walk in to a room and spew out the same 10 details over and over again and continue to strike out. It's much harder to walk in and just drop a hint about getting a new cellphone and begin to hear about all the problems that someone has with theirs. That's your opportunity to bring up the great new service and how little it cost to get into.
The Anti-Sales Pitch #1 - The Termination Fee
We've pretty well covered how to handle the ETF question with most people. Many people are unaware that their fee decreases with each month they are in to their contract. Many more aren't aware that after they terminate their contract, their phones can be worth serious cash. This is especially true of iPhones, higher end Android devices and of course, iPhones. If you quickly explain that their termination fee should be under $150 a line if they have hand their contracts over a year, instantly people are a bit more open to hearing more. Another point to make is by 'prepaying' for that month of service up front, that is subtracted from their final bill and they may even have a credit coming. The last push that can be made is to use the commission structure, and the Fast Action Bonus in particular, as a shove to make the final sale. That $50-650 bonus can pay a chunk of any termination fee.
The Anti-Sales Pitch #2 - It's Too Much Work To Switch Companies
Switching providers isn't as hard as it used to be. Simply enter your name in the Solavei system, enter the phone number you want to bring to them and wait. The SIM card or phone will arrive in the mail and you can begin activating it. Porting a number, or bringing in your Verizon Wireless or AT&T number to Solavei, can take as little as 5 minutes or as long as a few days. Until the port is complete, you just carry your old phone. Once you receive a message that your new phone is active, your old account has been transferred and cancelled. Usually, it's one online session and that's it.
The Anti-Sales Pitch #3 - What If My Plan Changes
Prepaid services never have contracts, which can be good or bad. Sure, the rates are lower, but what guarantee do you have that they won't change them later? Honestly, you don't, but here's the kicker, you don't have to stay if you aren't happy with the plan. Solavei currently offers unlimited voice, text and data for $49. A similar plan is available on almost every national carrier or one of their MVNO's. For example, Solavei has a great residual income program, but SIMple Mobile does not. Get on board with Solavei and get that income stream going. If they have to raise rates $10 in 6 months, pay to become a distributor only and move to SIMple Mobile and their $50 unlimited plan instead. Same phones, same network, same everything. You even keep your income stream going as a distributor instead of a user.
The Anti-Sales Pitch #4 - I Don't Use My Phone That Much
With smartphones taking over the planet, we are using them for more and more functions. Calendars, alarm clocks, video chatting, gaming devices and even home entertainment systems. One of the favorite objections that is heard is that, "I just don't use my phone that much." The person that says this has a Motorola Razr - no, not the new one, but the flip one - from 2006 and has only purchased a new battery for it. If they don't know what they COULD do with a smartphone, they probably won't do it. Show them everything their phone can do and more importantly, what they COULD do from their phone. Those last minute office emails can get answered out of the office. Those spreadsheets, documents and that PDF to review, can all be done from Jr.'s football game instead of having to miss another one. For Grandma and Grandpa, video chat is an instant sell. Being able to share Timmy's 5th birthday without being there is priceless. It's amazing what we can do in the palm of our hand now, and too many people just don't know about it all. Take 5 minutes and show them the "amazing" features of the modern smartphone and they will decide that maybe they will use that phone that much.
Hoepfully we struck on a few of the common objections that you might encounter, but if we missed some, please leave a comment below and we will try to address each one as they come in.
Next up: Turning up the heat on 'limited' data plans.
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