Here’s another great opportunity to save some friends and family some money. AT&T and Verizon Wireless are looking to increase their fees on accounts to compensate for dropping profits. As the big two have had a decrease in the number of new subscribers, margins are holding strong, but profits are dropping. To make up for this drop, the carriers will add additional amounts to their monthly maintenance fees and other fees that are added to the bill post services. These can include fees like the e911 fee, local taxes and even administrative fees.
Where the opportunity lies in this for Solavei users and potential Solavei users is that you may be able to use that extra $5 a month that is added to that family plan as leverage to show how much better value Solavei can offer those users. Another look at the figures shows a 5 line Verizon Wireless account coming in right around $300 with taxes and AT&T coming in at $290 with taxes. Solavei comes in at a lowly $250 after the PC1 and PC2 payments that those 5 lines earn when set up properly.
Single lines see even more savings with both AT&T and Verizon coming in at about $130 a month and Solavei coming in at nearly $60 after adding in all the taxes. This means a single line user saves $70 a month or almost $1650 over the life of that 24 month contract. A family of 5 saves almost $1000 over those two years with AT&T and $1200 over Verizon’s rates.
While this may not be enough to sway everyone, the fact that the major carriers will continue to raise fees to increase the pocketbooks of their CEOs and shareholders should be enough to make many people angry. Let your voice be heard and Join Me and Get FREE!
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