Sharing Solavei - Getting Others Involved

If you made it past the first post in our series, you must be interested in Solavei as more than a money saving cellular plan. If you are, then you need to learn how Solavei really works, and how you can maximize your income from it. When you master selling the savings rather than the opportunity, selling the Solavei service becomes easier than you could ever imagine.

The first steps will always be, how do I get people interested in MAKING money with Solavei? The answer is, don't. Get them interested in SAVING money first. When they see that their $350 Verizon bill could become $250 on Solavei, the service begins to sell itself quickly. When you explain that while saving that money, they don't have to worry about sharing data, running out of minutes or having the kids send 10,000 text messages, the service becomes an even bigger value.

Probably the first objection that any contract cellular user has to be broken of is their "Early Termination Fee" phobia. Most families have 3-5 lines that carry a huge fee to break. Taking the example of a new Verizon Wireless subscriber with 5 lines, their termination fees can be as high as $1750 for that one contract. A year later though, that $1750 fee is down to $1000 or less. While this still sounds extremely high, when you figure those new iPhone 5's that they just purchased will sell on the open market for $250-300 a year from now, they can actually turn a profit on terminating their contracts and selling their devices.

The ETF is something that everyone shakes their heads at and instantly dismisses. Taking a look at the scenario above again, lets say that they terminate their contract at 18 months to go. They owe somewhere in the neighborhood of $1200 on their ETF. That seems like a big bill, but keep in mind that you prepay one month of service on Verizon, so that is $350 off that bill right there. Then you have your $100 a month savings. That means on those 5 lines, it would take less than 9 months to pay off and start saving against that contracted rate they had with that old carrier. Yes, by the time the kids are out of school for the summer, the family is pocketing $100 a month extra! Plus you have they first Trio in their line for an added $20 bonus every month.

Now that they are on board with SAVING money, getting them interested in MAKING money is even easier. Take a simple approach of bringing in 1 person a month from each of you members. It sounds crazy, but if you did that, at the end of a year, you would have 12 people in your direct line, and 55 people under them. With just one person a month. This means you would have 4 trios in your direct line and 18 trios in your under line within one year. This would earn you a $200 a month Pay Path bonus on top of the $440 income you would get from the 22 trios in your network. That means you would be making $660 a month for just finding one person a month and helping those below you do the same.

When you break it down to sharing your service with just one person a month, and really letting them see the value in it, it becomes easy to make that night out you are earning into a vacation for the family, or even something like paying off that car a bit early. Solavei isn't a get rich quick scheme or even a path to financial freedom, but it will save you money on your cellular bill and it can do the same for your friends as well. Once they see the value, they will want to save their friends cash as well, and you will both get a benefit when that happens. 

Next Up: Overcoming The Anti-Sales Pitch
