Samsung And Sprint Team Up To Offer You Half Off The Galaxy S8


While T-Mobile has been bashing Verizon with their "Get Out Of The Red” campaign, Sprint has been quietly mounting some seriously strong deals as well. Currently, you can bring up to 5 lines to Sprint and walk away with spending under $110 a month – after taxes and fees. Of course, a deal on service is not a deal at all if your savings are eaten up by that new phone, so Sprint has this fixed up as well. For $15.63 a month, you can add a Galaxy S8 device to your account. That means a total cost of under $200 for 5 lines with 5 new Samsung Galaxy S8 devices. Now there is a catch to this deal, the phones are not purchased at this price, they are leased. This means at the end of the 2 years, you won’t own the phone, but with the Sprint lease program you won’t save them that long due to the fact that you will be able to upgrade to the Galaxy S9 next year without any penalties.


The $22.50 per line deal from Sprint is simply something that isn’t touched by any other carrier. Whether or not this is a great deal will really depend on the level of coverage that Sprint offers in the areas you use your device. While Verizon’s coverage pretty well blankets most areas and T-Mobile offers up the fastest data speeds, Sprint has been plagued with what we like to refer to as “block to block” coverage problems. What we mean by this is that in one part of town we have amazing data speeds and great voice clarity, but 2 blocks over, we drop to 1x data and barely have a single bar. It’s a bit problematic, but with the addition of Wi-Fi calling, stronger data networks and options like VoLTE being rolled out everywhere and networks becoming stronger across larger areas, Sprint coverage may be where you didn’t have it before.
