Data Saver: Amazon Prime Video App Goes Offline


One of the larger frustrations of streaming video services is the fact that they are exactly what they say, streaming services. That means once you leave that beloved Wi-Fi connection or you go into that lower coverage area, that episode of Yo-Gabba-Gabba that was saving you from the triple threat screamers in the back seat just went off. Fortunately our pals at Amazon have a solution for you, and it’s a pretty simple one. With the updated Amazon Video App, you can now download your movie content right to your mobile device.


Quality of the downloaded content is SD only, but honestly unless you were streaming over a very speedy Wi-Fi connection or chewing up 100GB of cellular data every month, you probably weren’t watching much in HD on your phone anyway. Of course, tablet users are now up in arms about the drop in quality for the App since they are now limited to the same SD stream that phone users are. I guess when people say we didn’t need 4k displays on our phones, Amazon was listening and cut the stream quality down to something that most networks can handle. Oh, and most storage devices too.

The new Amazon Video App is now available in the Play Store or from the Amazon Appstore.
