The tech press is still drooling over the Samsung Galaxy S6. The new, premium build quality is second to none. The new, higher speed 64-bit Octa-core processor blows through daily tasks without destroying the 2550 mAh battery. The 5.1” Quad HD display that has a resolution higher than many televisions. Even the 16MP rear facing camera has made huge steps forward over last year’s model. Probably the most amazing part of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is the deal that you can get on one from Sprint right now.
If you are in the market to switch to the Sprint Spark LTE network, they have constructed a deal for you. For just $80 a month (or the same as just the plan itself on rival T-Mobile,) you can land yourself a truly unlimited plan and that precious new Samsung Galaxy S6. For just $5 more, you can side-grade/upgrade to the Galaxy S6 Edge instead.
While the device isn’t technically free, it works out to be a ‘free device’ while you are on that Sprint Unlimited Plan. With 24 months of free phone payments on your new Samsung Galaxy S6, Sprint is virtually giving you a free phone for 2 years with their unlimited plan offering. Again, if you prefer the bezel-less design of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, you can put that baby in your pocket for just $5 more a month. You can visit to take advantage of this great offer before it disappears!
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