Wait… The Payment Plan Is Changing Again?


Wow! With the sudden need to generate massive amounts of income to avoid falling further behind in their payments, Solavei is changing up their payment structure one more time! Beginning October 1, there’s a new way to earn – or spend more – to get overpriced cellular service through the T-Mobile network. Let’s take a quick look at how this will set up for those just getting into the program.

First off, there is no way to quickly look at the new program. It is so confusing and convoluted that it would take a lawyer to figure out your monthly payout. Between Direct Points and Referral Points and Director Ranks and Diamond Clubbing, this confirms that Solavei is nothing more than an Amway for cellphones. I almost feel sorry for calling it something else when it started now.

The basics look to be something like this. Enrolling in the service is still a minimal expense. Becoming a Solavei Brand Partner is now a $298 investment – that will be waived if you enroll 6 additional people before September 30th. Once you pay the fee, or have 6 people that hang around for three months, you get to really get rolling with things. First up, the return of the Fast Action Bonus.


The FAB’s were one of the best parts of Solavei, and frankly was the only ‘bonus’ money most saw from the company. 5 warm bodies in 30 days gets you $100 bonus. 10 bodies in 2 months, another $200. Then you snag an additional 5 people (15 total) and have 30 total members in your referral ranks (now instead of 2 deep, it runs 5 deep) you can grab a nice little $500 bonus in month three. That means you have helped bring in 30 people (10 per month) and a total of $1200 a month ($40 times 30 people) you get a whopping $800 as a three month bonus. That sounds good until you realize that they have to stay through that time to get the bonus.

So, you start out being out $300, but can get that back with 6 activations. You then are up $100 with the FAB that they hand out. Sounds fair, they charge you $300 and your 6 friends $300 and pay you, $100. Great deal! You do that again 9 more times and get your friends and family to do the same – that’s $9,000 in startup fees paid to Solavei and they pay back about $1500. This is some much better accounting than the first time.

I’m going to skip the fact that now part of that cash goes back the up-line now. You get $800 for a FAB, and your team gets another $750 on top of that. That’s right, your hard work now rewards those above you – yet again proving that Solavei is built around making their top members rich and the bottom ones do all the legwork.


Overall, the new compensation scheme is loaded with money flowing to the top and big payouts for those with huge networks. The new method is so complex we would need a class to explain it all, not an online forum, but overall, Solavei continues to be a very poor investment and requires too much work to make any real cash flow begin – unless you are already at the top and trying to swindle more people into the bankrupt company before it shutters its doors.
