It’s time for a new edition of “From The Forums” where I take the duh moments of Solavei Tech Support and let the world see the advice that they give users on their service.
The first one is great this week. After getting his APN’s set up correctly, this user just asked:
Good afternoon.
After the APN reset, restart and a few more test, it works on mine now. My wife is on the $29 plan, the sender needs to enter her email instead of her number and it goes to the inbox when wifi range.
Thanks very much for the assistance.
Now, this isn’t all that bad, but can you believe that Solavei hasn’t replied to this post in over 24 hours? Are they too busy to tell this poor guy that his wife is going to need data to receive picture messages? Wow, great response time to a simple question guys…
The next one is a user that left T-Mobile for the lower cost of Solavei. She is having a problem with her MMS messages not working as well.
I have had this problem off and on since switching to your company in November 2013. FRUSTRATING!!! I called last night and spoke to a less than helpful customer service rep who walked me through your script of things to try. I tried EVERYTHING he listed. I still am not able to send or receive MMS over your network. I have searched through your "self-help" section, as well as have read other forum questions because it seems everyone is experiencing this problem with your service. I tried calling this evening, but of course no one is available as a live person to talk to anymore. Is this something that is going to be fixed with your companies service soon, or should I start looking to switch back to the cell phone provider I had prior to switching to you?? Having a discounted bill is great, but only if the service actually works 100% of the time. I'd rather pay a little bit more, and not have to jump through 4 different hoops turning wi-fi off, airplane mode off and on, turning off battery saver options, and restarting my device everytime I want to send a picture to someone!!! Thanks!
Now for the funny part – she left T-Mobile where she had adequate coverage to save some cash. Now, she has the “same network” as she did before, but for some reason it doesn’t work as well. Something tells me there might be some ‘roaming coverage’ that T-Mobile has that Solavei doesn’t.
So, what we see once again is no answers for those in trouble accept for go complain to T-Mobile about their coverage. Thank, but no thanks, I’ll keep my great coverage and lower cost with Spot Mobile.
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