While it may seem a bit crazy, there are other companies that have similar pay structures to Solavei. Divvy is one such company, with one major difference – they use the AT&T network instead of the lower quality T-Mobile network.
There are three plan options for Divvy. The first is $40 and offers users unlimited talk and text. The second is $50 and adds in 250MB of data. The final plan will set users back $60 a month and offers them 1GB of data. While these are a far cry from the data totals that Solavei offers, the fact that AT&T’s network will offer better in-building reception, short-code SMS and a far larger coverage area than that of the network that Solavei uses.
Now for those that are wondering how the payout works, it is very simple. For every user that signs up through your unique link, you get $5 a month in the form of a kickback. If you think that sounds familiar, it would be that it is identical to the new offering that Solavei is running. For free service, a user needs to rack up 8-12 people. Anything above that is cash sent monthly via ACH to your checking account or to your PayPal account.
If you want to check out Divvy, visit www.divvy.com and take a look at the offerings and opportunities.
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