Be 100% Committed - Go All In

If there is one thing that is death to any 'sales pitch' it is the failure to be 100% committed to the product that is being sold. When one considers that there might be a better deal, or a greener grass, instantly the sale evaporates. Selling someone on a necessary service is the same way. If they feel that there is a better way, or a cheaper plan, they will choose that route. By overcoming the issues, knowing your plan and how to get your potential user the best deal, you stand a much higher chance of having major success with building a down line and becoming a thousandaire.

That said, it's not always easy to believe in the product when you have issues with your data connection or miss a few calls due to coverage drops. When things look bleak, it's hard not to bring your phone over to the dark side and rejoin those large carriers with bigger bills, especially when they are dangling that shiny new phone over your head as well.

How does one remain "All-In" for Solavei?

It's really very easy to figure out. Remain dedicated to the product despite its shortcomings. No, there is no data roaming - if you have friends that live where that is needed, mention that public Wi-Fi is free at all sorts of locations like Starbucks, McDonald's and Denny's. Maybe if they think about the fact that they use Wi-Fi at home and the office, being without data in a few places where coverage misses them won't be so bad.

If they are a marketing guru that needs short-code SMS access, Solavei probably isn't the service they need. Still express the advantages of becoming a member without service and using their marketing skills to build a revenue stream. You'll benefit a bit and they will as well. There is no right or wrong way to approach becoming a committed Solavei member.

Most of all, never oversell the service to start with. Become aware of the issues that people face and find the answers that they need before the questions come up. Find out how they use their phone and how they WANT to use their phone. Solavei offers the most competitive large data plan on the market today by far. We will exclude the taxes for this one, but for Solavei service, you get 4GB of high speed data for $49. AT&T charges $110 for 3GB. Verizon is $110 for 2GB. Sprint is $110 for unlimited high speed, but they haven't expanded to many markets yet, so much of their network is either the defunct Wi-MAX or 3G speeds. Finally, it brings us to Solavei's home carrier of T-Mobile who charges $70 for 2.5GB of high speed data.

Given the choice, what charge would you like to see every month?

To stay all in, it's not to say you have to invest more. It's just you have to believe in what you are investing in. If you are selling something, you are invested in that transaction. If you are sharing something, you need to be just as invested. Know that the service is good for your friends and family. Know that the guy in line at the coffee shop could save too. Host a Solavei Party and show others how much you like your service and how much it saves you. That's how you stay all in, and that's how your network grows.
