One of the biggest selling factors of Solavei is the fact that you get it all for $49 a month and there are no contracts to deal with or long term agreements to pay a gigantic termination fee for if you decide that coverage isn’t living up to your expectations. The problem is, there are a TON of services that offer the same deal, and some are even cheaper than Solavei. Today we look at Straight Talk from Wal-Mart and how Solavei offers users a more honest deal.
Pricing: Looking at the two plans, the seem to be virtually identical. Both offer unlimited talk, text and data. Straight Talk advertises a $45 price tag while Solavei runs $49. Now with both services there are additional taxes. With Straight Talk, users have to sign up online for “Auto-Refills” or they need to purchase a card in-store to refill their account monthly. Solavei offers auto payment of your bill or you can log in monthly and pay it. This is where the similarities end and the differences begin. Since Straight Talk is a prepaid service, you are only responsible for Sales Tax on your purchase. Solavei is a post paid provider (you pay your bill when it is due to keep your service going) and is subject to all the taxes and fees normally associated with standard cellular services. This makes the total due for Seattle residents $49,50 for Straight Talk and $59.30 for Solavei.
Coverage: We now move on to the coverage of both services. Solavei wins this comparison hands down. With the specialized roaming agreements that Solavei has in place, the coverage may not be quite as extensive as T-Mobile’s full coverage map, but it easily outscores the non-roaming MVNO map that Straight Talk uses. The one exception to this map is if you are using a native CDMA phone on the Verizon network. Unfortunately, you pretty well have to guess if that iPhone you paid $650 for is running on the Sprint or Verizon network.
Data Usage: I like straight forward policies and Solavei makes it as easy as possible to figure out how much data you get before anything happens to your service. You sign up, you get 4GB of 4G data each month. After that you get unlimited 2G speeds that will allow you to use your device for the necessities each month.One has to remember how much data 4GB is for a phone though, and it won’t be something you even come close to most months. Straight Talk however, doesn’t give you quite the same wording in their data package. You get unlimited web… but according to the terms of use, you aren’t allowed to stream content, upload images, download songs, or just about anything else that our new smartphones will do. According to unofficial channels, since there is no written confirmation anywhere in the Straight Talk literature, you are allowed 100MB per day and a total of 2GB a month before your service will be suspended. That’s half the data and a possible suspension for going over. Sounds like Solavei is the simple winner here as well.
Earnings: Again, Solavei is the only provider that pays you as their source of advertising. Other carriers may give you a $5 bonus for referring friends and family or a $5 a month discount if you sign up for 6 months of service at a time, but nobody else pays you for bringing your friends to a better service. Solavei is the only one that is doing it and doing it well.
The Roundup: Solavei is clearly the winner in this battle of the discount providers. If not for the higher data limit, the larger coverage map or the earnings potential, it really wins out in the consistency of the network itself. With Straight Talk, you can’t be sure which network, phone or limits you are subject to unless you do a ton of homework prior to signing up. Solavei makes it simple as there is one powerful nationwide 4G network that runs any of the unlocked GSM or T-Mobile GSM phones. Visit our Solavei page today to get started and see how much you can save with Solavei without compromising on the quality of service.
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