Someone once said that if you don't write the contract up, it's probably not a good deal for you. This could not be truer for cell phones and wireless carriers. Sure, they have the fancy stores, with the cute sales people that walk you through the 3 things they know about the phone you want, but they really have little interest in you other than your wallet. Let's face it, when you head in to a store and they make up discounts just to get you signed to that contract, they must be making quite a bit of cash.
Step in to the world of social networking for a moment though. Social networking has become the largest marketing force around. When you see a movie and post how good it was on Facebook, your friends know it. When you eat at a delicious restaurant, your family sees it and wants to go there too. On the flip side, it also highlights the poor parts of the service industry as well. If you stay at a flea bag motel, your friends will know to avoid it. If you get food poisoning from that new sushi place, everyone will hear about it. Social networking is a very powerful tool and this is where Solavei brings everything front and center.
Solavei is bringing the marketing dollars away from stores, billboards and media and bringing it straight to the social networker. No more paying for pricey stores, hourly employees or expensive advertising. Solavei simply pays its members to do the talking for them. By offering an unmatched commission structure to its members, free cellular service (or $60 a month loaded on a prepaid Visa card) is everyone's for the taking. Just find 9 people, that's 2 families by the way, that want to start saving on their cellular bill today and sign them up. Solavei is that simple.
Now how does Solavei stack up against the big boys? Well, first off, there's unlimited talk, text and data, the first 4GB of which is 4G data. There is no sharing a pool of minutes, texts or data. There's no surprise costs attached to your contract for roadside assistance, voice mail or billing. It just $49 plus any applicable taxes. For example, Washington State has one of the highest cellular taxes in the US, so my bill comes out to $59.30 each month. Compare this to my former carrier, Sprint, at $69.99 for 450 minutes, unlimited text and data, which I never exceeded 3.5GB. Then they added a $10 premium data fee, and the same 21% tax range plus a few E911 fees and the such. My total bill was clearing the $100 mark by the time it was all said and done. What happened to my $69.99 cell phone plan?
It's easy to see what happens here. Verizon Wireless charges about $130 a month after taxes for what I get with Solavei. AT&T is about $10 less than that. T-Mobile gets a bit closer coming in just over $100 and that Sprint bill was right there as well. So, best deal on a 'major carrier' plan was still $40 higher than my Solavei bill is right now. That's 40% off what I was paying for my line, and that was the cheapest option available for me.
Everyone will pipe in soon with the, "What about the discounted phones?" lines. Well, here you go. The discounted phones, let's pick a freebie one for the sake of the argument, usually come with a sticker price of $400-500. This scares quite a few people off. What that salesman doesn't mention is that the same phones are available in prepaid kits for much less. For example the T-Mobile Concord is $99.98. Even the mid-range Samsung Exhibit II 4G is $249.99 without a contract.
Roughly put, that free phone ends up costing a minimum of $40 a month more than you think. $40 a month times 12 months is $480. That gets you in to the Galaxy S IV range or even the HTC One series for the same cost as signing that 2 year deal - and you'll still save $500 plus over the next year! Of course, as you build out those trios, you'll save even more.
Take a quick look at the numbers below, they will shock you.
Sprint - $0 device + $96.79 per month x 24 months = $2322.91
T-Mobile - $0 device + $108.89 per month x 24 months = $2613.31
AT&T - $0 device + $133.06 per month x 24 months = $3193.53
Verizon Wireless - $0 device + $133.09 per month x 24 months = $3194.11
Solavei - $200 device + $59.30 per month x 24 months = $1623.20
Solavei will save you $700 over Sprint. Solavei will save you $1000 over T-Mobile. Solavei will save you $1500 over AT&T and Verizon Wireless. So instead of paying that money to a big carrier and lining the pocket of some CEO in the Bahamas, why not keep that money in your pocket and take your family somewhere nice, or maybe buy that new car, or even pay off that nasty credit card debt that is holding you back. With Solavei the sky's the limit and the earning potential is just like your cell plan, unlimited!
Step in to the world of social networking for a moment though. Social networking has become the largest marketing force around. When you see a movie and post how good it was on Facebook, your friends know it. When you eat at a delicious restaurant, your family sees it and wants to go there too. On the flip side, it also highlights the poor parts of the service industry as well. If you stay at a flea bag motel, your friends will know to avoid it. If you get food poisoning from that new sushi place, everyone will hear about it. Social networking is a very powerful tool and this is where Solavei brings everything front and center.
Solavei is bringing the marketing dollars away from stores, billboards and media and bringing it straight to the social networker. No more paying for pricey stores, hourly employees or expensive advertising. Solavei simply pays its members to do the talking for them. By offering an unmatched commission structure to its members, free cellular service (or $60 a month loaded on a prepaid Visa card) is everyone's for the taking. Just find 9 people, that's 2 families by the way, that want to start saving on their cellular bill today and sign them up. Solavei is that simple.
Now how does Solavei stack up against the big boys? Well, first off, there's unlimited talk, text and data, the first 4GB of which is 4G data. There is no sharing a pool of minutes, texts or data. There's no surprise costs attached to your contract for roadside assistance, voice mail or billing. It just $49 plus any applicable taxes. For example, Washington State has one of the highest cellular taxes in the US, so my bill comes out to $59.30 each month. Compare this to my former carrier, Sprint, at $69.99 for 450 minutes, unlimited text and data, which I never exceeded 3.5GB. Then they added a $10 premium data fee, and the same 21% tax range plus a few E911 fees and the such. My total bill was clearing the $100 mark by the time it was all said and done. What happened to my $69.99 cell phone plan?
It's easy to see what happens here. Verizon Wireless charges about $130 a month after taxes for what I get with Solavei. AT&T is about $10 less than that. T-Mobile gets a bit closer coming in just over $100 and that Sprint bill was right there as well. So, best deal on a 'major carrier' plan was still $40 higher than my Solavei bill is right now. That's 40% off what I was paying for my line, and that was the cheapest option available for me.
Everyone will pipe in soon with the, "What about the discounted phones?" lines. Well, here you go. The discounted phones, let's pick a freebie one for the sake of the argument, usually come with a sticker price of $400-500. This scares quite a few people off. What that salesman doesn't mention is that the same phones are available in prepaid kits for much less. For example the T-Mobile Concord is $99.98. Even the mid-range Samsung Exhibit II 4G is $249.99 without a contract.
Roughly put, that free phone ends up costing a minimum of $40 a month more than you think. $40 a month times 12 months is $480. That gets you in to the Galaxy S IV range or even the HTC One series for the same cost as signing that 2 year deal - and you'll still save $500 plus over the next year! Of course, as you build out those trios, you'll save even more.
Take a quick look at the numbers below, they will shock you.
Sprint - $0 device + $96.79 per month x 24 months = $2322.91
T-Mobile - $0 device + $108.89 per month x 24 months = $2613.31
AT&T - $0 device + $133.06 per month x 24 months = $3193.53
Verizon Wireless - $0 device + $133.09 per month x 24 months = $3194.11
Solavei - $200 device + $59.30 per month x 24 months = $1623.20
Solavei will save you $700 over Sprint. Solavei will save you $1000 over T-Mobile. Solavei will save you $1500 over AT&T and Verizon Wireless. So instead of paying that money to a big carrier and lining the pocket of some CEO in the Bahamas, why not keep that money in your pocket and take your family somewhere nice, or maybe buy that new car, or even pay off that nasty credit card debt that is holding you back. With Solavei the sky's the limit and the earning potential is just like your cell plan, unlimited!
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