Selling someone on a service without selling it is a difficult thing. One unfortunate thing about Solavei is that the trend is the rich get richer and the newbies have to struggle to get their down lines built. One question that is commonly asked is just how to build a down line without getting pushy with people. Here are a few simple tips on how to build out, without scaring off.
1) Post to Facebook once a day, but only if you are posting other content. If you do more than this, it gets to the point that people will start blocking your posts. It also leads to a washout among your friends and family. If you really want to stretch those Facebook posts to a larger audience, try getting friends to share your links.
2) Tweet till your hearts content, but don’t expect much in the way of follow through. Here’s a scary number… 250… I can get 250 visits to my personal page from Twitter in one day. With 250 visitors, the conversion rate on most days is zero. Go ahead and tweet away, but just don’t expect too much in the way of conversion.
3) Email lists for those that seem interested, but just can’t commit. Keep sharing your success each week. This will serve as encouragement to those that are just sitting on the fence. Remember, you don’t get bonus points for 2 people… You only get that $20 a month figure when you fill that trio.
4) Don’t be afraid to push the latest promotions. Keep an eye on the current deals and reasons for people to sign up. A free SIM card or $9 signup might be just the thing to push one more person into your network. This also goes for keeping your down line informed. Keeping those under you in the loop is one way to keep them in the network as well.
5) Share your success on any of the possible media sources you have. Whether it happens to be a blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or anything else out there, share that you are paying $29 a month for your service… Or $9 a month… Or that your company is paying YOU to tell others about it. Nothing gets someone interested faster than a success story.
These are just a few ways to get things rolling for building that down line and even more importantly, keeping it full. By helping those down the rung from you, you not only get a bit of extra cash in your pocket, but you’ll be protecting those below you as well.
Now if you haven’t committed to start saving money on your cellular bill, visit and begin today. If you know you want to start making money from your cellular provider, visit my personal signup page today. Once you decide that it is time for you to make that change and even earn a second income for sharing, you should get started now before someone shares with your friends.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 810 powered by Solavei.
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