Those pesky termination fees can really keep you from saving money every month. Sure, it’s easy enough to say that you have a $250 fee due if you term your overpriced cell contract, but it’s just as easy to look back and say, I could make that up in 4 months, maybe I should start saving today. Is today the right day for you to rip up that contract and port to Solavei? Let’s take a quick look and see if it works for you.
First thing, go get your phone bill or open a new browser window and visit your carrier’s site right now. Next, look at the bill total, divided by the number of lines you own. If you have 1 line, then you don’t divide, but if you have 4 lines, divide that total by 4. Is that number bigger than $60? If so, continue onward.
Next, look at the contract expiration date, not the ‘new device date’ but the date your contract expires. This date is when you will not have to pay a termination fee for your contract. If this date is within 2 months or 60 days, stop now and finish that contract.
Finally, lets look at what these numbers add up to. If you are on a single line on Verizon or AT&T, you should be paying about $110 a month. T-Mobile users should be about $15 cheaper. Sprint users should be about $20 cheaper. This means that an AT&T or Verizon user should be making back about $50 a month and the others slightly less. If you need to pay the maximum termination fee on any line, even in the worse case scenario above, you will be paid off within 10 months and free from any contractual obligation.
The other concern that many have is if their phone is compatible with the Solavei network. If you are on Verizon or Sprint, the easy answer is no, although if you are a major tech bug, there are some ways to make them work, just not well. If you are in AT&T and live in certain areas, your phone will work on the 3G/4G network. Worse case with unlocked AT&T handsets, you will receive 2G (dial up) speeds only. The best case scenario is if you are holding a T-Mobile 4G device that runs Android. The reason I recommend Android is for the easy programming that is available for it.
Since you now have the tools to figure out how much you will save every month, and how much you will need to spend on a new device (sub $200 devices from T-Mobile prepaid work wonderfully) you can start to judge if the move is right for you. Keep in mind that a $330 bill from Verizon for a 5 line family plan would be replaced with a $30-50 a month savings with Solavei. This means even on those “discounted” family plans, most people will still be paying 20-30% less every month with Solavei after taxes and fees. This is even without the monthly bonus of having an in-house trio for that added $20 reduction in your service.
Is today the day to switch? The easy answer has to be yes, or at least by the end of this month. The $78 savings for bringing you own device is just too much money to pass on and the monthly savings will add up so quickly it will surprise you. This plus the fact that you can get nearly $1000 in the first 2 months for bringing on 12 people makes this month the month to change your bill for the better.
Start saving with Solavei today.
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