Going All In: Take Advantage Of The Free Promo

We all have them. Those people that will go to the carrier store, sign a plan and buy a phone, regardless of the price. These types of people sometimes need a bit of a push to get started, and if you are new to Solavei, it’s the perfect time to go all in and give them that push. To get involved in Solavei this week, it will cost the person $49. That includes the SIM, 1st month and the signup fee. Simply put, when you do the math, signing up 12 new people will cost $588.

With the cost being as low as it is, new users should just pay for the 12 people to sign up, and offer them 2 months of service for that $49 price tag. They only need to make it to their second month before the FAB and monthly pay begins. While this will cut into that profit margin quite a bit, those fence friends may just see how good the service is and stick around to continue to generate $130 a month for you.

If not, you have still earned that $650 Fast Action Bonus that will pay off the $588 investment that you made and even give you a bit of extra cash to start 2013. If you have earned it but hit a stagnant growth cycle, maybe funding a new trio might be what your downline needs. For $147 you can start that new trio and get the ball rolling again with some new blood. Sure, you won’t make it back as fast, but keeping new users rotating in sure doesn’t hurt. And for that price, it’s not such a bad way to get those newbies.

Stop by the Solavei website today and begin your journey today. Don’t wait for a better deal, because there won’t be one. The $49 special with Free SIM and Free 1st month of service will end before you know it and the $78 savings will be gone. Start 2013 with more money in your pocket. Check out Solavei today.
