Cash In On The Freebies Before 10/31

Solavei Explained - Discover Your Unlimited Potential Banner
Many have been wondering if Solavei will make it. We've even been a bit worried with the initial subscriber numbers coming up a bit short. Fortunately, this shouldn't even enter people's thoughts about if or when they should get on the Solavei bandwagon. The iron is hot and the time to strike is now - at least before the end of October. When the month ends, and the candy is in bags, the amazing deal of a no charge SIM card and 1st months fees waived, makes the total startup costs a lowly $49.
Getting someone to commit $130 a line for 5 people, plus phones, plus the making the effort to switch over to a new service is not an easy sale. Here are a few hot tips to help you take control of the sales and generate those last few leads before the deals disappear like a Kit Kat from the candy bag.
 - Bringing a GSM device in will be free. The normal $29 SIM charge is waived until the end of the month. If they are under contract, remind them that bringing in just 6 people in 60 days will load $190 on to their Solavei cash card. This will go a long way towards paying off that termination fee.
 - If they don't own a GSM phone, there are some seriously powerful deals out there right now.
  -  Starter Handset: The $129 T-Mobile Prism is a great deal at - although it's the same pricing as the ZTE handset on Solavei, the Prism has some decent performance for a low price.
  -  Advanced Handset: The Samsung Galaxy S II was the handset to have until the GS3 launched earlier this year. The powerful 4.5" handset delivers amazing performance at a $329 price tag from The bonus to this one is that you can sell the $30 T-Mobile credit and SIM card to bring the cost down another $20 or so!
Worse case scenario for new users is to buy into the ZTE Origin at $159 and lose the $29 SIM card credit. It seems rather silly that they aren't offering the discount on the handsets as well, but it does show how high the markup was on the SIM cards to start with.
For now, if you are interested in getting on board, visit our submission page so we can send you more information. We would love to get you set up on the best value mobile service around - and maybe even start generating that second income for that vacation, new car, or even a bit of extra savings.
